“Off-site Construction to Simplify the Energy Transition in Social Housing” is a project by Fondazione per l’architettura / Torino and Stowarzyszenie Laboratory for Urban Research & Education LURE, funded by the European Union within the framework of the Vocational Training Partnership KA210-VET (Erasmus⁺).

The project aims to train young architects and adapt their job profiles to the changing skills required by contemporary societal needs and the renovation wave in Europe. The development of off-site knowledge among architects will support its use in the partner countries Italy and Poland, contributing to a faster green transition in the social housing sector, where decarbonisation and energy efficiency are more urgent due to higher building obsolescence.
Based on the analysis of different good practices and case studies, the project will identify and design new transnational training content and professional tools to empower architects in off-site design for social housing. In this way, their work will contribute to the environmental and social challenges of the social housing context, combining digital and collaborative technologies with innovative and high-performance materials.

Following these statements, the project aims to build a community of professionals who will:

- Exchange good practices on off-site architecture for social housing as a first step towards its wider adoption;
- Promote the use of off-site construction among European architects;
- Increase the digitalisation of the construction process thanks to a better use of digital tools (BIM, 3D printing, drones and robots) in off-site practices for social housing;
- Support the digital and green transition in the construction sector by promoting off-site construction as a sustainable and inclusive approach to the construction and the retrofit of social housing projects.


18th-19th October 2024 | Turin  (Departure end of 17th on Thursday and return end of 19th on Sunday)
21st -22nd February 2025 | Warsaw

The aim of the project is to engage a group of 20 architects from Italy and Poland to stimulate debate, deepen their knowledge and come up with innovative project ideas for off-site construction to facilitate the energy transition in social housing.

The architects will improve their professional practices and pave the way for a widespread greening and digitalisation of their work, comparing and learning from the experiences of Poland and Italy within the framework of best practices in the European context.

Site and company visits will allow participants to discuss with policy makers, contractors and professionals the off-site solutions used in the renovation and new construction of social housing and their strategic contribution to achieving inclusiveness, aesthetics and sustainability.

The full programme consists of 4 days of training with conferences, workshops and site visits organised between the cities of Turin and Warsaw.

Open Call for Polish Architects / Organised by Laboratory for Urban Research & Education  :

( detailed information about the call available on the images slider underneath - click on arrow to scroll to the side to see more or right click to download)

Bulletpoints for the Polish Call:

Deadline to apply - 17.09.2024 (end of the day)

Application - two pages PDF with CV and motivational letter.  Address in it the importance of OR possible innovation in off-site construction specifically tailored for social housings.
Send it to office@lure.eu.com

Applicants - you need to be graduated in Architecture with a Masters degree and have 3 years of office experience to apply.

More detailed info on the Open-Call and requirements of the application are available on the images above.



1. What do I have to do to take part in the programme?
Simply send an application consisting of a CV and a motivational letter. That's it.

2. I am a graduated architect. Can I apply?
Yes but you need to have at least 3 years of experience of working in architectural offices.
You don't need to be a licensed architect ("uprawnienia projektowe") to apply. If your are licensed it is a plus.
The open-call is for architects - professionals. This does not mean you need to be already an expert in the theme of off-site construction.
You are here to learn and share the experience - that is the whole point.

3. Could you clarify more what has to be in the motivational letter?
It does not need to be a long essay and should fit on one A4.
Write why you think new methods in construction are important to be implemented.
Optionally you may write as well about any new ideas related with construction methods could be interesting to improve or discover.

4. What do you mean by "off-site" or "new construction methods"?
Construction methods that take place outside of construction sites are called "off-site".  Most of the work is done outside of the building areas and the rest on them after delivering the building elements.

5. What is required from me if I am selected?
Simply attend the programme. You will be transported and have accomodation ready for you.
The aim of the programme is for you as an expereinced architect to receive important knowledge and know-how to possibly share with other professionals and generally in the local market.
You are not required to write any progress report - this will be done by the event ogranisers.
Basing on presentations, discussions and sitevisits  you may would have an interesting input that would be used by us. This way you would actively support the creation of the report and
two manuals that would be shared online after the end of the programme - the "Good Practice Handbook for Social Housing" and "Off-site Practice Handbook for Architects".

6. Who is in the jury of this architectural competition?
It is officially an open-call and the jury is the board and project leaders of LURE that will select 10 architects from Poland.

7. Why should I apply?
The programme is cost free.
You will learn new things related to a topic that is very important to our profession in the very near future - how the construction sites and building methods will change.
You will meet in two countries many inspiring people (see Italian guest list underneath; Polish list will be published later on) that specialise in this subject. 
You will experience not only the theory but also the practical side of the project theme by visiting factories and construction sites.
You will travel with to Italy wihout spending on accomodation and flight costs.

8. Can I just come to Turin?
No. It is a study visit and part of the programme taking place in two countries. If you apply  you commit as well to be present on two days of the programme in Poland at the end of February. The first day will feature panels, discussions and presentations by experts. and the second day will be a site trip where a workshop would take place where we summarise the entire programme. The remarks will help us - the organisers, write the two Handbooks.

9. I have a lot of questions regarding the programme and application - who should I contact?
The admin-people handling this open-call are architects with day jobs. All necessary information on the application and programme are available on this page.
If something is really missing - you can contact us on office@lure.eu.com
If not - please don't double check information. We are looking for professionals that read with understanding and address the given subject, task efficiently.
No phone calls please. Thank you in advance.

10.I have sent my application. Would I get a confirmation of reception?
No. Only selected applicants will be contacted. If you have sent the PDF limited to 2MB the e-mail with your application will arive.


Programme for the Turin workshop 18-19.10.2024

Guests for day 1

Ingrid Paoletti is Associate Professor of Architectural Technology at the Politecnico di Milano and former researcher at MIT. She is founder of the Material Balance research group, where she works on innovative technologies and materials;

Piero Pelizzaro is responsible for the workshop for the regeneration of public property, which designs and coordinates an open innovation network for the research and development of initiatives that connect the public good, the city and the citizen;

Chiara Rizzica , architect PhD, is a senior consultant on social housing, housing policies and service design in the field of social innovation and urban regeneration. She currently works as general coordinator at Milano Abitare;

Thomas Miorin is CEO and founder of Edera, an innovation centre for decarbonisation and regeneration of the built environment on a large scale, which coordinates the Energiesprong initiative at national level;

Guido Callegari is a PhD architect and Associate Professor of Architectural Technology and coordinator of the Off Site Construction Course at the Polytechnic University of Turin.

Giovanni de Niederhäusern is senior vice president business unit architecture at Pininfarina, a role through which he is dedicated to fusing innovation with design and the world of construction.

Elisa Montevirno is an architect and works with Homers srl, a Turin-based company specialising in the development and support of shared and participatory housing solutions.

Plan & Guests for day 2

Visit to a hybrid multi-storey building (concrete-wood), visit to the refurbishment of a school and visit to a company producing prefabricated panels for the school (to be confirmed)
Scenario/strategy workshop with Mike Robinson about how to implement off-site practices in Italy and Poland.

 Open Call for Italian Architects / Fondazione per l'architettura

On July/August 2024 10 professionals from Italy have been already selected to take part in the programme. The selected 10 architects from Poland will join them in October in Turin and later in Warsaw on February in 2025.


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